What is the IC?
The Imperial Commissary is a Star Wars Community focused on the growing and longevity of the Star Wars collecting hobby for future generations through social media, real life meetups, and a premier collectors convention ICCC!
“My Name is Michael Havens, creator of The Imperial Commissary. I started collecting when I was young, I boxed it all up and got into Football and College life. In 2012 my wife bought me a Luke Storm trooper and the rest was history. I got my items back from Mom’s house and started collecting tons. This Hobby has snowballed into 20 Facebook Groups involving Star Wars Collecting,a podcast ICSW the essential audio guide to the IC, and now there is even a full scale convention in Nashville every year with Movie Stars! Come with me as we journey together into the fascinating world of Vintage Star Wars Collectibles! -IC”
A convention for All Collectors by collectors!
A convention for All Collectors by collectors!
The Imperial Commissary Collectors Convention is a convention for EVERYONE that collects Toys. It’s mission is to be the first convention ever produced “By Collectors, For Collectors.” This means waters that aren’t 8 bucks, a VIP experience that doesn’t cost a fortune, talk with friends or listen to a collector’s panels. Tons of vendors, vintage toys, artists, authors, panelists, movie props, interactive activities, huge Guest Stars signing autographs, and a BAND! (It is Music City!) A Convention that will give a FREE table to costume groups, Facebook groups, or any club that grows the collecting hobby and fandom. We would be honored if you could join us! for the future of Conventions!
777 McGavock Pk, Nashville, TN 37214
Subgroups of The imperial commissary
Subgroups of The imperial commissary
The Imperial Commissary Auction House Auction Vintage toys from any line 1975-1990
IC-101 for new collectors just starting out in the Vintage SW Collecting Community and veteran collectors who love to teach and guide. No buy, sell, trade here only learning and teaching about the Hobby We Love!
IC Collectors Con Facebook Page So #iccc attendees from previous years can keep in touch!
The Imperial Commissary 2 1986-Today
IC Bootlegs and Customs where you can B/S/T vintage collectible bootlegs or modern made custom figures
IC Boba Cabana for all things Boba Fett
IC Art Gallery Member Created Star Wars Art
El Comisario The Imperial Commissary en Espanol
IC Paper a group dedicate to collecting Star Wars items made from trees
IC Focus a group to share the character or vehicle collections that make up your "Focus"
First Ladies of the IC a place exclusively for Ladies that collect!
IC Pay it Forward page where members send other members Free Star Wars as long as the recipient promises to "Pay it Forward"
IC SSB Statues, Sculptures, and Busts
IC Lego a group for all things Star Wars Lego
IC Funko Pop a page to share all Star Wars Funko POP Items
IC Trade a page where you can trade absolutely anything for Vintage Star Wars
Traveling Twilek where Bib Travels the world to meet and party with IC Members
IC Spoilers A page for talking future Star Wars related topics and all the info for the newest releases from Disney
IC Superhero Comics A place for IC Members to B/S/T and chat about Superhero Comics!
IC's Guide to Vintage Toys IC Subgroup for Vintage (Non Star Wars) Toys up to 1994
IC Variants A place to explore the endless variants of Vintage Star Wars Collectibles
We have IC Meetups all over the world!!! See some pics from past meetups here! I will see you at the Next one!